Adrenocortex Stress & Cortisol Test

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MDLifespan does advanced hormone testing with Genova Diagnostics

The Adrenocortex Stress Profile (ASP) with the Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR) hormone test offers the most comprehensive insight into the natural circadian rhythm of cortisol and HPA axis resiliency.

Why evaluate the HPA Axis? Physical, emotional, and mental stressors contribute to the overall stress load, which can lead to many conditions. Including hypertension, cardiovascular disease, GI and immune dysregulation, diabetes, depression, chronic fatigue, persistent pain, neurodegenerative disease, and cognitive decline.

Adrenocortex Stress Profile (ASP) with the Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR) Test Instructions:

  1. Visit and enter the number found on the included activation label card.
  2. Plan Your Collection:
    • Use a calendar to plan your specimen collection. We ask that you start the collection on Monday through Wednesday and avoid US holidays, which may cause delays. Please return specimens within 24 hours after collection.
    • Take all your medications, supplements and hormones as usual the day before but not the morning of the test.
    • One hour prior to collection do not eat, brush, or floss teeth, use mouthwash, lip balm, chewing gum or any tobacco products; you may drink ONLY water during this time.
    • Review instructions and test prep information at
    • Write your date of birth, collection start time and collection stop time and the date of collection on the labels provided. Attach the completed label to the saliva tube.
  1. Collect Saliva
    HELPFUL TIP: If you have difficulty producing enough saliva for the tube, press the tip of your tongue against your teeth. Yawning, imagining sour or flavorful foods, or smelling flavorful foods can also generate saliva.
    • Plan to wake up at 6:00 AM
    • When ready to collect the saliva, rinse your mouth with drinking water. Spit out the water completely, and do not cough or clear your throat into the collection tube. Discard the saliva if there is visible blood and collect when there is no bleeding. The tube can be rinsed and reused.
    • Use the tubes in order starting with Tube 1. Fill the collection tube to the designated level. To reduce foamy saliva collection, tap the tube on a hard surface. Insufficient saliva samples cannot be processed.
    • Replace the cap tightly to avoid leakage. Record collection start and stop times on the tube label.
    • Place the filled tubes in the biohazard bag and freeze immediately. Samples must be frozen a minimum of 2 hours prior to shipping. Keep sample frozen until ready to ship.
    • Repeat these steps for each sample according to the Specimen Collection Chart
MDLifespan Adrenocortex Stress & Cortisol Test

Activate this test online at and note the name of the test ordered. Pay close attention to the collection times and amount of saliva required. Failure to do so may cause samples to be rejected or alter results.
Adrenocortex Stress Profile with Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR): Use labels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 for your collection tubes.

  1. Return Collection Pack
    • Confirm each tube has a completed label attached with date of birth, date of collection, collection start time, and collection stop time. Place the biohazard bag with tubes inside the collection box.
    • Retain a copy of the activation number for future reference using one of the three labels provided on the bottom of the activation label card.
    • Visit to enter the date of your final collection and receive your confirmation code. Write the date of collection and your confirmation code on the activation label card. Place the activation card inside the box.
    • Close the plastic shell and place inside the FedEx shipping bag. Follow the shipping instructions provided.
MDLifespan Adrenocortex Stress & Cortisol Test - Return Collection Pack