MDLifespan is proud to work with Genova Diagnostics to provide advanced testing methods for female and male hormone testing. The menopause plus hormone test helps identify imbalances and find solutions. Learn more about the test here.
Menopause Plus Hormone Test
Back to full listSTEP 1: Plan Your Collection
- Ship Monday thru Friday and avoid US Holidays and ship specimen within 24 hours of final collection
- Certain medications may influence results, however there are no known interfering medications. Do not change the use of medications unless instructed to do so by your healthcare provider.
- If you have difficulty producing enough saliva for the tube, press the tip of your tongue against your teeth. Yawning, imagining sour or flavorful foods, or smelling flavorful foods can also generate saliva
- ONE HOUR BEFORE TESTING – do not eat, brush or floss teeth, use mouthwash, lip balm, chewing gum or any tobacco products; you may drink ONLY water during this time.
- Premenopausal Women – If the goal is to evaluate ovulatory function, collect specimens between days 19 and 25 of the menstrual cycle.
- Peri/Menopausal Women and Males – Collect specimens on any day.
- Patients on Hormone Therapies
- Do not take hormones immediately prior to the morning specimen collection. Wait to take the dose until after the specimen has been collected unless otherwise instructed by your healthcare provider.
- As a general guideline, many clinicians opt to test patients approximately 8-12 hours following a dose. There are many variables that affect hormone levels with respect to timing of collection including dosing regimen, formulation pharmacokinetics, route of administration, site of administration, length of regimen, patient metabolic individuality, specimen type, etc.
- Synthetic, non-bioidentical hormones are not detected by the assays and testing is not recommended for these patients due to questionable clinical utility.
- After your Day 6 Collection, prior to your 2:30AM – 3:30AM collection, place your collection tube (with a completed label) at your bedside, along with a glass of water and a low-level light.
- Do not turn on a bright light, it will cause your melatonin level to drop.
- Visit and enter the number found on the included activation label card.
- Write your date of birth (DOB), collection start time and collection stop time and the date of collection on the labels provided. Attach completed label to the saliva tube.
- Refer to the chart at right for when to begin saliva collection. If collecting for the Cortisol Awakening Response add-on testing, plan to wake at 6:00AM for the Day 6 Collection.
- When ready to collect the saliva, rinse your mouth with drinking water. Spit out the water completely, and do not cough or clear your throat into the collection tube. Discard the saliva if there is visible blood and collect when there is no bleeding. The tube can be rinsed and reused.
- Use the tubes in order starting with Tube 1. Fill the collection tube to the designated level. Reduce foam in the collection by tapping the tube on a hard surface. Insufficient saliva samples cannot be processed.
- Replace the cap tightly to avoid leakage. Record collection start and stop times on the tube label.
- Place the filled tubes into the biohazard bag and freeze immediately. Samples must be frozen a minimum of 2 hours prior to shipping. Keep sample frozen until ready to ship.\
- Repeat these steps for each sample according to the Specimen Collection Chart.
- Confirm each tube has a completed label attached with date of birth, date of collection, collection start time, and collection stop time. Place the biohazard bag with tubes inside the collection box.
- Retain a copy of the activation number for future reference using one of the labels provided on the bottom of the activation label card.
- Enter details about your collection at Write the date of final collection and your confirmation code on the activation label card and include in the box.
- Close the collection box and place inside the FedEx shipping bag. Follow the shipping instructions provided.