SOT Therapy for Cancer

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Supportive Oligonucleotide Therapy (SOT) is a process that enables the lab to find the specific gene sequences of different targets such as cancer, Lyme, and various viruses and design a specific oligonucleotide therapy. The SOT is uniquely tailored to each patient’s needs. It is a small oligonucleotide which is complementary to a specific sequence of individual genes which are related to anti-apoptotic signals inside cancer cells, or genes essential for microorganisms and viruses’ survival or metabolism.

Apoptosis is another word for programmed cell death. In other words, the SOT molecule has a potent ability to block specific mRNA with an extremely high rate of specificity, therefore expression of desired gene is inhibited.

How does SOT THERAPY work?

A patient’s blood is sent to the lab where the scientists find the appropriate gene that needs to be silenced. Once they detect the potential genes for targeting, they confirm these targets both in silico and in vitro. The validation of target ensures the highest specificity and does not interfere with any other targets. Once the different target genes have been confirmed, then the most appropriate gene is selected and the laboratory creates an oligonucleotide, complementary to the mRNA for a specific region of this gene. This in turn creates an anti-sense therapy.

These molecules are delivered to the clinic where the patient receive the one dose IV treatment. Once the patient receives the SOT molecules, they are at work 24 hours a day, seven days a week for up to six months, inhibiting the appropriate gene.

Apoptosis is another word for programmed cell death. In other words, the SOT molecule has a potent ability to block specific mRNA with an extremely high rate of specificity, therefore expression of desired gene is inhibited.

What is the goal of SOT THERAPY?

To inhibit the expression of proteins which are essential for cell metabolism and/or survival.

What kind of cancers can be treated with SOT Therapy?

  • Solid tumors
  • Hematologic malignancies

What kind of cancers should not be considered for SOT THERAPY?

Cancers of the Brain and Central Nervous System

At what cancer stage should a patient consider SOT THERAPY?

Any stage is appropriate, however; careful evaluation of the patient is important. Patients with a large tumor burden (single or multiple tumors over 5 cm total) are at risk for Tumor Lysis Syndrome and should be evaluated carefully before undergoing SOT therapy.

What is included in the cost of the SOT?



Yes, they have been assessed in thousands of studies for their safety.

Are there any contraindications or disqualifications for SOT THERAPY?

  • Pregnancy or breast feeding
  • Recent blood transfusion
  • Recent cytotoxic chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy
  • Radioactive Seed Therapy
  • Delta Cell Therapy (GDTC)
  • Children under the age of 11 for cancer
  • Children under the age of 5 for viral or Lyme

Note: See full list of substances/therapies/treatments and associated timelines below under “What Needs to be Avoided forSOT Therapy.”

Can SOT THERAPY be done on children?

SOT For malignancies for children over the age of 10 is at the discretion of the Physician. An evaluation of the thymus gland to verify it is atrophic is recommended for a child under the age of 11. (Reason: An overlapping of 60% of the SOT sequence may generate heterodimers between mRNA and SOT which has no consequence in adults, but in children when the clones of auto-epitopes have not been locked then there is a small (but not zero) possibility to create an autoimmune clone of B cells that may generate an autoimmune condition in the future). It’s important that the physician and the parents be made aware of this potential risk.

Are there any possible adverse reactions with SOT THERAPY?

While SOT is well tolerated, when dealing with living pathogens in a human body there are potential side effects even with a gene silencing therapy like SOT. Some of the common side effects we’ve seen have been:

      • Headaches
      • Increased fatigue
      • Flu like symptoms
      • Pain at surgical site can occur
      • TLS syndrome mainly with large or many tumors

Are there any risks with SOT THERAPY with cancer?

Tumor Lysis Syndrome – TLS (fever, local edema, accumulation of fluid in the area of the tumor, etc.) is a potential risk with SOT and patients should be evaluated prior to ordering the therapy. TLS occurs mainly with large or many tumors. It is important that physicians are educated on how to treat TLS if administering it to cancer patients at risk for this.


What kind of pre-tests are needed for the SOT THERAPY for Cancer?

  • Positive RGCC Oncotrace test result confirming presence of Circulating Tumor Cells.
  • Must be within six (6) months.

What pre-medications are needed for SOT THERAPY?

  • Mandatory: 4 mg dexamethasone I.V. in a 20-50 ml rapid drip saline solution or slow bolus push in order to counteract the possibility of extravasation of the IV application by stabilizing the veins lumen and allowing more normal distribution of the therapy.
  • Optional: Famotidine and Acetaminophen are optional but routinely administered as an extra caution at the healthcare providers discretion.


    • Apoptosis Inducer: The patient must be off ALL cytotoxic therapies and free radical producing substances 14 days prior to the blood draw for the SOT production and again prior to the actual administration of the SOT therapy.
      • REASON: The breakdown of the CTC caused by these substances creates debris that interferes with the therapy’s ability to find its target. Allowing time for the body to clear the debris will increase the effectiveness of the therapy.
    • Natural Cytotoxic Substances (IV Substances): (Includes Vitamin C, Ozone, H202, Colloidal Silver, Artesunate, Curcumin, etc.) at least 14 days.
    • Natural Substances (oral supplements): cytotoxic substances (per patient’s Onconomics Plus results) at least 14 days.
    • Off label medications such as Ivermectin, Fenbendazole and Itraconazole: 21 days.
    • Chemotherapy (non-platinum derivative): at least 14 days.
    • Chemotherapy (platinum derivative): at least 21 days.
    • MOAB or SMW drugs: at least 14 days.
    • Blood Transfusions: at least 120 days.
    • Radiation: at least 14 days.
    • Contrast: at least 14 days.
    • Surgery (simple/routine): at least 7-10 days.
    • Surgery (brain or extensive): minimum of 30 days based on time of recovery. Could be longer if slow recovery or if the person had some type of adverse reaction. Must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
    • Fever: at least 14 days.
    • Hyperthermia (local/concentrated/microwave ablation): at least 30 days due to increase in cellular debris released into blood stream.
    • Hyperthermia (generalized/systemic): no waiting.
    • Cryoablation: no waiting.
    • Radioactive Seeds: Patients are permanently not eligible for therapy due to the prolonged and undetermined time of the radiation exposure.
    • Gamma Delta T Cell Therapy (GDTC): Patients are permanently not eligible for therapy due to the potential interaction with RGCC therapies.


Can SOT THERAPY be given a half dose?

  • It is recommended to administer the SOT at full dose, however when thought necessary by the healthcare provider, it can be split into half doses.
  • The second half must be stored -17 to -23 degrees and given in 21 – 30 days.
  • If the second half needs to be given over 30 days, it must be stored at -80 degrees.

How much blood is needed for SOT THERAPY?

15-25ml whole blood in RGCC vials (1 glass vial)

NOTE: If ordering one to three SOTs, can send in one full vial of 30ml)

How does the SOT THERAPY need to be stored?

  • Each SOT has a life span of six (6) months.
  • SOT in the dried form can be stored for up to six months if kept at room temperature and protected from light.
  • SOT after reconstitution can be stored in -17 to -23 degrees for up to 21 days.
  • Longer than 21 days it needs to be stored at -80 degrees.

How many of the SOT THERAPIES can be given in a year?

Maximum of four (4) total in a 12-month period (must be spaced at a minimum of three months apart)

NOTE: SOTs work for a long time and can accumulate in the body and build up


Three (3) to four (4) months apart with a maximum of four (4) in a 12-month period

Can other therapies be given on the same day as SOT THERAPY?

  • No other therapies are allowed on the same day as SOT administration.


What needs to be avoided after SOT THERAPY?

  • All therapies may be resumed (as outlined above) 14 days after administration.
  • IV-C can be resumed after 7 days.


Oncotrace or Oncotrail are recommended every 3-4 months after the administration of the SOT to evaluate the status of the CTC and the immunophenotypes.

Will one SOT THERAPY cover multiple infections?

No, the SOT targets only a specific region of a gene. If a patient has multiple active infections, then multiple SOT treatments will be needed. One for each infection since each target has its own unique DNA sequence.


Approximately 78% of cases had a positive clinical outcome (Complete response or Partial response or Stable disease)

Note: Percentages supplied above are in lab numbers only.