Metabolic Therapy

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Our metabolism is a complex and intricate system, and it helps us break down food, extract energy, and store and use it for everyday activities. Unfortunately, there are times when metabolic processes become disrupted, leading to health issues such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

As the years go by, our metabolism decreases, and we become less efficient at breaking down food. This metabolic rate of decline increases over time – 3% for every passing decade after age 20 – causing your metabolism to slow more than 10% when you reach 60. Metabolism-related health challenges can become more difficult to manage, and many of us don’t have the energy or motivation to make healthy lifestyle changes.

Lifestyle Changes Associated With Metabolic Therapy

Aging brings several bodily conditions, so ensuring our body gets the fuel and nutrients it needs for optimal energy production in the mitochondria is essential. This fuel should be used efficiently throughout daily activities like building and repairing tissues and quickly completing tasks.

Consider making smart nutritional choices to ensure a healthy metabolism as you age. For example, opt for complex carbohydrates such as colorful vegetables and whole grains; select lean proteins; avoid sugar and processed foods; and decrease your portion size to maintain optimal metabolism. This can help the body process fuel more effectively and prevent weight gain.

Physical activity is a key player in maintaining your metabolism and a healthy weight. Exercise helps build more efficient mitochondria, powering our cells and energizing us throughout the day. Aim for 30-60 minutes of daily physical activity. Having extra weight means you are carrying around more tissue than necessary, and this additional tissue consumes energy, leading to a higher rate of oxidation. Physical activity is your best solution to keep fat levels low, and muscles toned.

Solutions for Metabolic Therapy

With age, our capacity to absorb necessary nutrients lessens due to a lack of acid in the stomach, fewer digestive enzymes, and reduced healthy bacteria-creating vitamins. We can use high-quality vitamin supplements to overcome this decrease in metabolism activity. Supplementation of essential minerals, vitamins, and other vital compounds can help support metabolism efficiency.

Regarding medications, many options exist for improving and maintaining a healthy metabolism.


Metformin is one of the first drugs to be given FDA approval for anti-aging.  Metformin makes cells sensitive to insulin, thereby countering the body’s insulin resistance. Metformin’s efficacy in improving the biomarkers of aging reflects its strength and potential as a therapy that can target crucial metabolic pathways involved in aging.

Semaglutide and Tirzepatide

Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists are an effective treatment option for patients who are overweight. These agents act by stimulating insulin secretion, suppressing glucagon, delaying gastric emptying, and decreasing appetite, so the effect is to reduce body weight by improving your metabolism.

As important as it is to discuss what increases your metabolism, it is equally if not more important to talk about what decreases your metabolism.


Many activities lower your metabolism such as eating too few calories, low intact of protein, being sedentary, having too little sleep, and not working out.


Such as β-receptor antagonists, anti-psychotic drugs, corticosteroids, neurotropic drugs, and those used in the therapy of HIV, both significant weight gain and metabolic disturbances occur in susceptible patients.

What to Expect From Metabolic Therapy

Metabolic therapy is an all-encompassing management program that optimizes the rate and substances your body burns. As a result, patients experience enhanced energy levels and weight improvement – putting on healthy pounds when needed or shedding excess fat if they are overweight. Patients can experience reduced joint pain and inflammation, improved immune system function, and better sleep quality.

By following professional Metabolic Therapy, you can get your metabolism back on track and regain control of your health. With an individualized approach to nutrition, physical activity, medication if necessary, and lifestyle changes, you can maximize the potential of your metabolism while minimizing any disease-related risk factors.

Precautions for Metabolic Therapy

Regarding metabolic therapy, our providers advise patients to start with a low dose and gradually increase it until their desired effect is achieved. Allergic reactions are uncommon since peptides, like Semaglutide and Tirzepatide, are naturally found in all hormone systems. That said, caution should be taken when increasing the dosage of any medical treatment, as excessive intake can lead to unwanted side effects.

Despite that, it is essential to remind our patients to use peptides carefully over a lengthy period of time, as the body can become accustomed to constant exposure. To prevent such an occurrence, we recommend taking breaks between usage for several days or months every year. Other than medications that support metabolism optimization and may be administered if needed, this therapy has no side effects apart from potential fatigue, headache, and irritability caused by detoxing off sugar.

Possible Side Effects of Metabolic Therapy

Aside from medications we may utilize to optimize your metabolism, our therapy has no side effects other than occasional fatigue, headache, and irritability as you detoxify off of sugar.

When to See a Doctor for Metabolic Therapy

Our metabolism starts to “go further offline” after age 20. Our providers can thoroughly evaluate your metabolism at any age, so start now.  Research proves that maintaining a healthy metabolism, one that is not too high and not too low is optimal for health, wellness, and longevity.