Senescence Therapy

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Senescence is an aging process in which a cell permanently stops dividing yet does not die. This occurs when the cell experiences various stressors that lead to the accumulation of damaged DNA. Entering into senescence mode prevents further damage by halting reproduction.

While not fully dormant, senescent cells can accumulate in different organs and tissues due to aging or other health concerns like obesity and metabolic diseases. These cells lead to dysfunction and give rise to inflammation-inducing cytokines, chemokines, and proteases known as the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP).

Through senescence, aging and age-related diseases occur. This same process causes other cells to age well; these may eventually develop into cancer due to their damaged DNA. Over time, the accumulation of senescent cells can create a domino effect throughout our bodies – leading us closer to illness or disease like cancer.

Lifestyle Changes Associated With Senescence Therapy

Senescence therapy reduces the number of senescent cells in the body to slow down aging and certain age-related diseases. Complimenting senescence therapy with lifestyle changes such as eating healthy, exercising regularly, avoiding smoking, drinking alcohol, getting adequate sleep, and reducing stress can also help reverse or prevent the accumulation of senescent cells.

Eating foods high in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids (such as salmon, walnuts, and flaxseeds) can reduce inflammation and decrease the number of senescent cells present.

Exercising has also been beneficial for regulating aging hormones, such as insulin and growth hormones, which can lead to better overall health and decreased inflammation in the body. Additionally, regular physical activity boosts circulation and builds strength which helps keep our bodies running efficiently.

Solutions for Senescence Therapy

Studies conducted on humans have uncovered that senolytic medications, which wipe out senescent cells, can eradicate these potentially harmful cells. Early data revealed Dasatinib and Quercetin to reduce the number of senescent fat cells within 11 days while simultaneously lessening cellular markers associated with aging. To detect and track levels of senescence, β-galactosidase activity and adipocyte progenitors (akin to stem cells) are tested in blood samples.

The cancer drug Sprycel (Dasatinib) treats specific types of leukemia in adults and children, inducing apoptosis through tyrosine kinase inhibition. Quercetin, a flavonoid with antioxidative and anti-inflammatory properties naturally found as a nutritional supplement, further reduces senescent cells, which are attributed to numerous age-related conditions. This combination has proven effective at targeting these cells for destruction resulting in improved health outcomes.

Initially developed as an immunosuppressant for organ transplant recipients, Rapamycin impedes the mTOR pathway. This is a key factor in allowing autophagy – cell recycling – to occur within human cells. A patient receiving Rapamycin inhibits the mTOR pathway and permits cellular self-recycling to commence without any disruptions.

What to Expect From Senescence Therapy

Studies have suggested that those who take senolytics may reap multiple benefits, including the destruction of senescent cells and a reduction in age-related markers. Furthermore, it has been proposed that taking senolytics could slow cell proliferation, decelerate aging, and reduce the risk for various age-related diseases.

Not only may these substances help to counteract spinal disc deterioration related to aging, but they might also reduce metabolic disease and control the effects of diabetes. Studies show that taking senolytics could also lower inflammatory markers in the bloodstream while promoting adipogenesis–the process by which new fat cells are formed.

Senescence Program dosing of Rapamycin, Dasatinib, and Quercetin: Our physicians may advise:

Week 1-10Rapamycin 3mgs – take 1 tablet by mouth weekly
Week 11-12Take no senescence pills
Week 13-22Rapamycin 3mgs – take 1 tablet by mouth weekly
Week 23-24Take no senescence pills
Week 25Dasatinib 50 mg (5 tablets) and Quercetin 250 mg (10 tablets) by mouth weekly
Week 26Dasatinib 50 mg (5 tablets) and Quercetin 250 mg (10 tablets) by mouth weekly

Dasatinib, brand name Sprycel; Rapamycin (also known as Sirolimus), brand name Rapamune.

Precautions for Senescence Therapy

Dasatinib may lead to temporary immunosuppression; therefore, all patients must receive assistance and supervision from a qualified physician. You’re right to make decisions based on personal beliefs, and our dedicated physicians will provide comprehensive information regarding each treatment option’s potential risks and benefits for you to decide confidently.

Quercetin and Dasatinib may cause mild side effects such as flu-like symptoms, fatigue, headache, and diarrhea. On the other hand, more serious side effects of Dasatinib include anemia, rash, low blood cell counts, heart failure, and pulmonary edema -all of which are more likely if you take it daily. In addition to that, there is also an increased risk of bleeding disorders or prolonged QT syndrome.

Possible Side Effects of Senescence Therapy

Side effects of Quercetin and Dasatinib include mild flu symptoms, diarrhea, headache, fatigue, and allergic reaction. Dasatinib may cause low blood cell counts, anemia, rash, and diarrhea. These potential side effects are more common when Dasatinib is used daily.

When to See a Doctor for Senescence Therapy

Our providers are here to answer your questions about Senescence. Our team is ready for a deep dive into your labs and tests. You should see a doctor regarding Senescence at any time. But if life-threatening symptoms arise, call 911 or seek medical care from your nearest emergency department.