Food Sensitivity Combined Testing

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Every day, more people discover that their health issues may be related to their food. We can be born with food allergies passed down from our parents, but we often develop these sensitivities due to an imbalance of the gut. As we age, our gut microbiome changes and can make us more prone to developing an intolerance.

Food Sensitivity Testing goes beyond simple elimination diets by identifying which foods your body is sensitive or allergic to. It helps you pinpoint what’s causing your symptoms so you can avoid them and better manage your health. Testing provides a way to detect antibodies towards commonly consumed foods and environmental allergens through your blood.

Immediate, distressing symptoms such as hives, itching, stomach cramps, vomiting, and anaphylaxis can result from adverse reactions to food and the environment. However, these are not the only possible outcomes; delayed reaction manifestations like headache rashes, fatigue anxiety, or chronic behavioral problems like ADHD may also occur due to similar exposure. Advanced testing goes beyond the scope of traditional allergy testing by utilizing a combined 200 food and environmental antigen panel for a comprehensive approach to diagnosing these sensitivities.

Standard Food Allergy Testing

When you consult your general physician about food testing, the standard panel usually consists of 6-10 ingredients such as eggs, milk, codfish, wheat, etc. Similarly, respiratory allergens like molds and grasses, cat dander, and other irritants like cockroaches are often included in the standard set of tests.

Standard allergy testing can only detect antibodies causing an immediate reaction and may not be sufficient for some delayed reactions. Looking into allergies requires more than just investigating these main sources; it necessitates delving deeper to discover all potential allergens you come across daily through food or air –not only the most common 20 causes.

Advanced Food Allergy Testing

The Food Sensitivity Combined Testing will review 200 antibody panels that will provide tailored results based on your body’s reaction to food and a comprehensive celiac (gluten) disease screening. Along with grasses, trees, weeds, molds, and animal allergens, based on the local environmental elements in your area.

The advanced food allergy test also provides insight into the delayed food sensitivity reaction that may be causing your health issues without presenting any severe symptoms. The Advanced Food Sensitivity Combined Testing offers a comprehensive view of your dietary sensitivities, including:

  • Dairy (6 tests)
  • Fruits (16 tests)
  • Vegetables (40 tests)
  • Spices and condiments (23 tests)
  • Grains (13 tests)
  • Animals (6 tests)
  • Weeds (4 tests area specific)
  • Trees (2 tests area specific)
  • Grasses (3 tests area specific)
  • Mold (15 tests area specific)

This test detects celiac disease and gluten sensitivity and screens for life-threatening foods like grains, dairy products, nuts, and seafood that can lead to anaphylaxis. With this comprehensive test, you get six specialized tests geared explicitly towards uncovering the presence of gluten in your body, plus results on other food allergens. The results will help you customize a tailored diet plan and provide guidance on safely reintroducing certain foods according to their associated risks.

Food Sensitivity Testing can help you quickly and accurately identify the root cause of your health problems quickly and accurately, allowing you to change your diet, which could lead to improved health. It’s empowering to know exactly what is causing your issues so you can take control and make informed decisions about what foods are best for you.

Which Cause of Aging Does Advanced Food Sensitivity Testing Help Treat?

There are many conditions for which we chose to assess for Food Sensitivity Combined Testing (Genova), including: