Microbiome Dysbiosis

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Microbiome Theory of Aging

According to the Microbiome Theory of Aging, microbiome dysbiosis increases the body’s inflammatory load and contributes to many age-related diseases such as Alzheimer’s, osteoporosis, cancer, and Parkinson’s. Disruptions to the microbiome accompany most, if not all, age-related diseases. Our gut microbiome is essential to our health and well-being. Our gut is composed of trillions of bacteria, fungi, viruses, and other microbes that live in our gut and help regulate digestion, immunity, metabolism, nutrition, and mood.

In fact, the number of bacteria residing in our gut surpasses even the number of cells within our body. This synergistic collection, otherwise known as the microbiome, consists of up to 1,000 different microorganisms and bacterial species, which aid digestion, and shield us from pathogens while also helping regulate our immune system.

MDLifespan Healthy Ageing

As we age, the composition of this gut microbiome tends to change. There are three divergent paths that occur. One group of aging adults develop a microbiome of unhealthy bacteria, another group tends to keep the same bacteria of their youth, and the last group develop a microbiome of relative healthy but different bacteria than from their youth.

Aging adults with a gut full of unhealthy bacteria are plagued with health issues throughout their life, and tend to die early. But in the group of aging adults with different but healthy and diverse bacteria, they do the best. As we age, the diversity of our microbiome matters the most to age healthily.

Getting to the Root Cause of Microbiome Dysbiosis

Our microbiome is fundamental to our body’s health, fermenting food to boost diversity and reduce inflammation. Our microbiome produces essential B vitamins and neurotransmitters, including dopamine (the pleasure hormone) and serotonin (the mood regulator). The microbiome makes up 70% of our immune system by signaling when there are possible threats present while acting as a protective shield against disease pathogens.

All elements can influence the gut microbiome and vice-versa. If your gut is not in optimal health, chances are that your microbiome has been that way for a while. Stressful circumstances combined with overuse of antibiotics, alcohol consumption or smoking, infections, or even lack of sleep and exercise have caused many beneficial bacteria to disappear from one’s microbiome, allowing unhealthy microorganisms to flourish.

Measurements of healthy and unhealthy bacteria, pathogens, and gut microenvironment must be evaluated to get to the root cause of the abnormal changes in your microbiome, also called microbiome dysbiosis. This helps determine nutritional deficiencies, gut-inflammatory markers, and food sensitivities. Dysbiosis is a condition where there is an imbalance in the gut microbiome, leading to various GI disorders such as leaky gut syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), and ulcerative colitis.

Causes of Microbiome Dysbiosis

Numerous factors, including environmental exposures, lifestyle choices, and dietary components, cause microbiome dysfunction. The microbiome can become weakened by a variety of things, such as:

  • Infection
  • Unhealthy eating habits
  • Physical inactivity
  • Inconsistent sleep cycles
  • Antibiotic misuse/overuse
  • Exposure to toxins.
  • Long-term tobacco or alcohol

Microbiome dysbiosis is an umbrella term that describes an imbalance of the gut microbiome, leading to detrimental health outcomes. An extensive body of research has linked this condition to autoimmune and inflammatory illnesses like rheumatoid arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, and metabolic diseases like diabetes. Moreover, evidence indicates more severe repercussions from poor gut health: associations with cancer, heart disease, and stroke have been found in recent studies.


Treating Microbiome Dysbiosis

Microbiome dysbiosis can be treated through various methods, including dietary changes, probiotic supplementation, and the wise use of antibiotics. Nutritional changes can involve eliminating certain foods that cause an increase in harmful bacteria or reducing the intake of processed foods and refined sugars.

Eating a diverse diet with more whole grains, fruits, and vegetables may also help improve gut health by introducing beneficial bacteria. Probiotic supplementation is another way to improve gut health by introducing healthy bacteria into the microbiome. Antibiotics can be used to reduce harmful bacterial overgrowth and treat pathogens causing infections. Still, antibiotics should always be used under the supervision of a doctor knowledgeable in gut bacteria.

In addition to dietary changes and supplementation, lifestyle modifications are essential for treating microbiome alteration. Exercise, stress reduction, and adequate sleep can help improve gut health by reducing inflammation. Other lifestyle modifications include avoiding alcohol, quitting smoking, and limiting exposure to environmental toxins.

That is why at MDLifespan, a big emphasis is placed on treating unhealthy guts and helping you heal – utilizing Advanced Testing and multiple Solutions.

Advanced Testing

When looking at Microbiome Dysbiosis, we look to the gut, the microbiome, and the factors which negatively impact that environment. The critical thing to remember is that you, as a unique individual, may require more or fewer tests than others. Your provider will determine which test is necessary after an in-depth evaluation of your history, family history, and exposure.

Our comprehensive method of testing for Microbiome Dysbiosis:


In fixing the gut microbiome, you must incorporate healthy eating, treat for harmful bacteria and pathogens, treat for digestive enzyme decline, remove all toxins from the gut, and replenish the beneficial bacteria. This can be quite a job! At MDLifespan, we have providers specially trained in re-establishing a healthy microbiome. The time it takes to heal a gut dysbiosis depends on the extent of the damage, but do not despair. Our team with be with you, guiding and caring for you the entire way.

Our comprehensive Solutions for Microbiome Dysbiosis:

FAQ & Sources

We value fact over opinion. Please refer to our FAQs for the most commonly asked questions. In addition, we have listed the medical references for the facts stated on the website.

To review the articles and references cited on this topic of Microbiome Dysbiosis, click here


What does the microbiome do?

Our microbiome is fundamental to our body’s health, fermenting food to boost diversity and reduce inflammation. The microbiome is responsible for producing our essential vitamins and many of our neurotransmitters. In addition, the microbiome makes up 70% of our immune system by signaling when there are possible threats present while acting as a protective shield against disease pathogens.

Does my microbiome change with age?

In most healthy aging adults, yes. The bacteria which make up the microbiome change to other healthy bacteria. The healthiest aging adults have beneficial bacteria and a diverse community of healthy bacteria.

Can I change my microbiome?

Absolutely! One of the primary goals of MDLifespan is to assess a patient’s microbiome, determine the type, amount, and diversity of bacteria, then institute a program to improve the healthy bacteria, increase healthy variety, and, when needed, eliminate the harmful pathogens.


    1. Weaver, Janelle. Stanford Medicine News Center. “Fermented food diet increases microbiome diversity and decreases inflammatory proteins.” https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2021/07/fermented-food-diet-increases-microbiome-diversity-lowers-inflammation
    2. Mohajeri, M. Hasan. European Journal of Nutrition. “The role of the microbiome for human health: from basic science to clinical applications.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5962619/
    3. DeGruttola, Arianna. “Current understanding of dysbiosis in disease in human and animal models.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4838534/
    4. Ghosh, Tarini. “The gut microbiome as a modulator of healthy aging.” https://www.nature.com/articles/s41575-022-00605-x
    5. Wilmanski, Tomasz. “Gut microbiome pattern reflects healthy aging and predicts survival in humans.” https://www.nature.com/articles/s42255-021-00348-0