Neural Zoomer Plus Test

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MDLifespan does advanced cognitive testing with Vibrant Wellness

The Neural Zoomer Plus measures immune reactivity to structures, tissues, cells, and chemicals in the brain and peripheral nervous system. This test can detect underlying inflammatory responses that may be causing symptoms related to mood, memory, aging, balance, nervous function, movement, pain, and more. If you were diagnosed with or suspect neurological inflammation or autoimmune disease, you may benefit from this panel.

Your test kit Includes:

  • Blood spot card(s)
  • Blood lancet(s)
  • 2 Alcohol pads
  • Gauge sponge
  • Return Envelope
  • Biohazard bag

Neural Zoomer Plus Test Instructions:

  1. Choose the ring or pinkie finger on your non-dominant hand and clean the desired puncture site using the alcohol prep pad. Puncture site should be on the left or right side of the chosen fingers.
  2. Unfold the blood spot card open on a flat surface. Remove and discard the plastic safety end on the blood lancet by twisting and pulling it.
  3. Please note that the blood lancet will only activate and puncture once. With your palm facing up, press the blood lancet to your finger until you hear a click and feel a slight pinch.
  4. Wipe the first drop of blood away with the gauze pad.
  5. Press your finger down and forward from the base to increase blood flow.
  6. Allow blood to drip down onto the circles on the blood spot collection card. Only One drop of blood per spot. Ensure all five circles on the collection card are filled. Complete the entire collection process in a single day
    If you are provided with multiple cards, please collect blood on all the provided cards by repeating Step 5 and Step 6. You may use the additional lancet provided if needed.
  7. Let the blood spot collection card sit out for 30 minutes or until completely dry. Apply band aid to finger when finished. Write the date of collection on the blood spot collection card(s).
NOTE: Place the card(s) inside the biohazard bag and place the biohazard bag inside the return envelope. Mail immediately via FedEx. Holding collected samples more than 12 hours may result in rejection.

Important Do’s and Dont’s:


  • Drink a glass of water 30 minutes before collecting sample
  • Wash your hands in warm water for at least 1 minute right before a finger-prick. A warm shower before collection can also help. *This is very important to stimulate blood flow to the hands
  • Let your hands hang at your side for 15-20 seconds
  • Shake your hands back and forth several times


  • Squeeze your fingertip as this will stop the blood flow
  • Touch your finger or rub or smear to the card.
  • Apply more than one spot of blood per spot (no overlapping)
  • use heat to assist in drying
MDLifespan Neural Zoomer Plus Test