The Impact of Family Health History & Your Well-being

December 11, 2023


by: Claudia Cesarotti


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Home / Blog / The Impact of Family Health History & Your Well-being

Family health history is more than just a topic of conversation at family gatherings; it’s a window into your genetic legacy and a roadmap for your health journey.

As families gather around for festive get-togethers and at holiday tables, it’s not just the stories of yesteryear that must be shared.

Knowing your family’s medical history isn’t only about curiosity – it’s a critical tool in understanding your health risks, predispositions, and the best preventive measures you can take.

Let’s explore why and how we should discuss our family’s health history this holiday season.

This crucial conversation often gets overlooked but is vital for our well-being.

With about 5% to 10% of all cancers being inherited, as the Canadian Cancer Society noted, understanding our genetic heritage is more critical than ever.

This blog delves into the various aspects of family health history and its profound impact on individual health.

Genetic Predisposition: The Inherited Blueprint of Health

Certain health conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, and specific types of cancer, often have a genetic component.

Our family history is like a puzzle… each piece representing a different aspect of our health influenced by our genetics.

These inherited traits can be as benign as our eye color or as significant as our risk for certain diseases, including cancer.

Understanding these genetic links is not about fear but being informed and prepared.

If your close family members have been diagnosed with these conditions, it could indicate an increased risk for you.

This genetic predisposition is a crucial alert, prompting you to adopt lifestyle changes and preventive measures to mitigate these risks.

This genetic predisposition is a crucial alert, prompting you to adopt lifestyle changes and preventive measures to mitigate these risks.

Understanding Risk Factors: Piecing Together the Health Puzzle

Documenting our family health history is one of the most critical steps in understanding our health risks.

This involves engaging with family members to gather information about health issues, patterns of disease, and causes of death.

This information can provide valuable insights for healthcare providers in assessing individual health risks.

It helps develop personalized strategies for prevention or early detection of potential health issues.

Inherited Disorders: The Legacy of Genetics

Some health conditions are directly inherited and passed down from parents to children.

Understanding your family’s history of these conditions is vital in assessing your risk of inheriting or transmitting them to your children.

While only a small percentage of cancers are inherited, these mutations can have a significant impact. Gene mutations don’t guarantee cancer development, but they can mean you are at high risk.

Early detection and prevention play a pivotal role in managing these inherited risks.

For individuals with a family history of certain cancers, regular screenings can lead to early cancer detection, when the disease is most treatable.

For example, women with a family history of breast cancer may benefit from earlier and more frequent mammograms or other breast cancer screening options.

Similarly, individuals with a family history of colorectal cancer might be advised to start colonoscopy screenings at a younger age than the general population.

For conditions like breast cancer or colon cancer, an early diagnosis can be lifesaving as it significantly improves outcomes.

For other cancer types that don’t have a standardized cancer screening test, we recommend the RGCC Liquid Biopsy, which is a blood test that can detect cancer for almost every kind of cancer many years before developing symptoms or showing up on a scan, including the cancers that run in families.

Shared Environment and Lifestyle: The Family Influence

It’s not just genetics that play a role in our health… it’s lifestyle choices, environmental factors, and shared habits within families that also contribute to our overall health risks, including cancer.

Unhealthy habits, dietary patterns, or outside pollutants can contribute to specific health conditions that put individuals in the same family at a higher risk.

Recognizing these shared risk factors can lead to collective lifestyle changes and enhance the entire family’s health.

Response to Treatment: Personalized Healthcare through Genetics

Genetics can influence how individuals respond to certain medications or treatments.

Knowing your family’s health history helps doctors create personalized treatment plans based on your genetics, improving the effectiveness of your healthcare.

Starting the Conversation

Discussing health, especially topics like cancer, poses a challenge during what is supposed to be a festive time.

However, these conversations are essential.

Tips for having these conversations include:

  • Choose a comfortable setting,
  • Be open and honest about why you’re bringing up the topic
  • Respect privacy
  • Be prepared to listen

Take Action: Beyond the Conversation

Gathering family health history is just the first step.

The next step is to act on this information.

This might involve consulting healthcare professionals, considering genetic testing, and making lifestyle changes to mitigate identified risks.

Mental Health: The Genetic and Environmental Mosaic

Mental health is another crucial aspect where family history plays a role. Conditions like depression, anxiety, and certain psychiatric disorders may have a genetic component.

A thorough understanding of your family’s mental health history can help form assessments and interventions, leading to better mental health management.

The Power of Prevention and Early Detection

Understanding our family health history empowers us with the knowledge to take preventive measures.

Early detection of diseases like cancer and Alzheimer’s can significantly improve treatment outcomes.

Let’s gift ourselves and our loved ones the commitment to better health through awareness and action this holiday season.

History Doesn’t Have to Repeat Itself

Understanding our family health history, especially regarding inherited cancer risks, is a step towards a healthier, more informed future.

It’s a blend of genetics, environment, and lifestyle choices passed down through generations.

By understanding and utilizing this information, you can take proactive steps towards a healthier life. Remember, knowledge is power, especially when it comes to your health.

One of our favorite quotes from our founder and CEO, Dr. Paul Savage, is, “Genetics load the gun, your lifestyle choices pull the trigger.”

Discuss your family health history with your healthcare provider, and together, you can chart a path towards better health, informed by the legacy of your family’s past and the promise of your future.

Another option you have is advanced genetic testing with MDLifespan. This test can give you insight into many health conditions, including nervous system disorders, cardiac conditions, metabolic disorders, respiratory diseases, GI tract disorders, liver disorders, and more.

As we enjoy the holiday season, let’s remember that one of the most significant gifts we can share is the gift of health.

Let this holiday season be the start of a new tradition – one where we not only share stories of the past but also build a foundation for a healthier future.


Schedule a call with a client service advisor to get advanced genetic testing and learn more about longevity testing and therapy options at MDLifespan.

Visit the Canadian Cancer Society’s page on cancer risk in families to learn more about inherited cancers and the importance of understanding your family’s health history.