10 Signs You Are Experiencing Cognitive Decline

November 6, 2023


by: Claudia Cesarotti


Tags: cognitive decline

Home / Blog / 10 Signs You Are Experiencing Cognitive Decline

In the vast expanse of human health, the brain stands out as one of the most intricate and vital organs.

As we age, our cognitive health can become vulnerable, and subtle changes may indicate a potential decline. Understanding these changes is not just about diagnosis but about embracing a proactive approach to brain health.

As longevity medicine continues to gain traction and increased understanding, detecting early signs of cognitive decline becomes vitally important!

Recognizing these signs can help individuals seek timely interventions and potentially delay the onset of dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease.

10 Signs That May Indicate Cognitive Decline

  1. Memory Loss Affecting Daily Life:
    It’s not uncommon to forget names occasionally or misplace keys. However, consistently forgetting important dates, repeatedly asking the same questions, or relying excessively on memory aids indicates a deeper memory problem.
  2. Difficulty Planning and Solving Problems:
    People with cognitive decline may struggle to perform tasks they used to do easily. These tasks may include following a recipe or paying bills.
  3. Difficulty Completing Familiar Tasks:
    Struggling to remember the rules of a favorite game or driving to a familiar location can be warning signs that you are in the early stage of cognitive decline.
  4. Confusion with Time or Place:
    Losing track of dates, seasons, or confusing nighttime with daytime. They may have trouble understanding something if it isn’t happening immediately.
  5. Trouble Understanding Visual Images and Spatial Relationships:
    Difficulty reading, judging distance, or determining color can signify cognitive decline. This isn’t just about vision problems but about understanding visual information.
  6. New Problems with Words in Speaking or Writing:
    This includes struggling to join a conversation, repeating oneself, or grappling with vocabulary. For example, using the wrong names for familiar objects is a symptom of Alzheimer’s disease.
  7. Misplacing Things and Losing the Ability to Retrace Steps:
    Individuals with developing dementia might put things in unusual places and cannot retrace their steps to find them.
  8. Decreased or Poor Judgment:
    This can be seen in choices related to money or social interactions. For instance, they might give away large amounts of money to telemarketers or pay less attention to personal grooming.
  9. Withdrawal from Social Activities:
    Someone with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) may stop doing activities they used to enjoy, like hobbies and socializing.
  10. Changes in Mood and Personality:
    As the disease progresses, older adults may become confused, suspicious, depressed, anxious, or easily upset at home or in unfamiliar settings.

The Promise of Longevity Medicine

It’s crucial to note that not everyone experiencing these symptoms has Alzheimer’s Disease or another type of dementia.

Other conditions, like depression, drug interactions, thyroid problems, or vitamin deficiencies, can produce similar symptoms.

However, longevity medicine brings promise to cognitive health by reducing the risk of developing Alzheimer’s.

Longevity medicine emphasizes overall health with the prevention, delay, and treatment of age-related diseases.

It aims to extend the healthy lifespan of individuals. In the context of cognitive decline, it’s not just about living longer but with a clear and sharp mind.

Steps You Can Take to Improve Your Cognitive Health

  • Healthy Diet: Researchers have linked better cognitive health with:
    • Mediterranean diet
    • Omega-3 fats. Fatty fish including salmon, trout and sardines
    • Blueberries
    • Broccoli
    • Pumpkins Seeds
    • Dark Chocolate
    • Nuts
    • Oranges
    • Green Tea
    • Turmeric
    • Avocados
    • Beans/Legumes
    • Tomatoes
  • Regular exercise: Consistent physical activity, even brisk walking, can also enhance brain health.
  • Brain Training: Mental exercises and games can potentially strengthen the brain, making it more resilient to decline. Great options include:
      • Meditation
      • Puzzles
      • Soduku or crossword puzzles
      • Learning a new skill or language


  • Pharmaceutical Interventions: New drugs are being tested that target brain inflammation, plaque formation, and other processes implicated in cognitive decline. You can find a helpful list of medications here.


  • Advanced Testing: SPECT scans with Amen Clinics are a revolutionary tool for assessing the brain’s capability. The Neural Zoomer with Vibrant Wellness is another excellent testing option to analyze the immune system’s interaction with the brain. Finding cognitive decline early helps you, family, and friends prepare and intervene sooner.


  • Longevity Therapies:
    Therapeutic Plasma Exchange (TPE) is the newest, game-changing option for people with a family history of Alzheimer’s Disease. During the AMBAR study, 100% of mild Alzheimer’s patients who received TPE completely stopped the progression. And 67% of mild to severe Alzheimer’s patients stopped the progression as well.

MDLifespan Can Help

If you are concerned that you may be experiencing cognitive decline, MDLifespan can help. Longevity medicine offers a beacon of hope, but early intervention is critical. A proactive approach, combining traditional healthcare and emerging longevity strategies, might be the ticket to a long life with a mind as sharp as a tack. Schedule a call with a Client Service Advisor to get started.