Author: Dr. Paul Savage

Can Therapeutic Plasma Exchange Help Prevent Cancer?

Therapeutic Plasma Exchange (TPE) has emerged as a powerful tool with a wide range of clinical applications in medical advancements. While known for managing various autoimmune diseases and blood disorders, TPE holds immense potential in cancer prevention.

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5 Reasons RGCC is Better Than the Grail for Liquid Biopsy Cancer Testing

Liquid biopsy has emerged in the past decade as an advanced tool in early cancer detection. Historically, cancer was suspected on a cancer screening test such as a PSA test, Pap smear, mammogram, colonoscopy, or skin exam.

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Therapeutic Plasma Exchange Improves Longevity

Blood is the conveyor belt of the body. Blood delivers all the supplies to the cells such as oxygen, nutrients, infection fighting cells, and many types of proteins. Blood then removes all the garbage from the cells such as carbon dioxide, breakdown products of metabolism, and toxins.

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Western Medicine VS Longevity Medicine

In the past 30 years, various approaches to healthcare have gained popularity, making it essential for patients to understand the differences between different typesof medical practices. Here is a concise definition and differentiation between Western, anti-aging, integrative, alternative, complementary, and traditional Medicine.

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Why Chronic Inflammation is Your Worst Enemy

Ask any longevity specialist in the field, “what is the most dangerous condition in the human body?” and 99% of them will say chronic inflammation. Left untreated, chronic inflammation can damage healthy cells and organs.

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3 Ways to Prevent a Devastating Cancer Diagnosis

Cancer is a terrifying and life-threatening disease. Over 600,000 people will die of this horrific disease in the United States this year. Cancer is caused by aging, toxins, radiation, inflammation, oxidation, viruses, or trauma that damages a healthy cell’s DNA.

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Biomarkers and Aging: What is the connection?

Think of a biomarker report like looking at the dashboard of a car. A car has gauges that can measure the air pressure of the tires, the amount of gas in the tank, the temperature of the engine, and the quality of the oil in the filter, just to name a few.

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MDLifespan Plasma Exchange TPE Longevity

Therapeutic Plasma Exchange VS. Plasma Donation

In August 2022, a landmark study about the effects of Therapeutic Plasma Exchange (TPE) on the biomarkers of aging grabbed the attention of every longevity researcher and clinician, as well as that of millions of aging adults.

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