Condition: Metabolic Changes

MDLifespan Stem Cell Pre-Operative Instructions

Stem Cell Pre-Operative Instructions

Bring an extra set of comfortable, loose clothing (including an extra pair of underwear). If you have a specific beverage or snack you prefer, please bring them to consume after the procedure. Our office does have protein shakes and juices. Please bring someone with you to drive you home. The procedure will leave your joints stiff for a few days, and you should not operate a motor vehicle of any kind.

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MDLifespan Vibrant America Toxin Testing Urine

Urine Toxin Test Kit

The Night Before Start this process only on Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday so that you collect the urine in the morning of Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday.

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MDLifespan Inbody570

Body Composition Scan

As we age, our body composition changes, and it’s essential to understand what these changes are and how they can affect us. A body composition scan is one of the best ways to accurately picture your current body composition.

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MDLifespan TPE Solutions Home

Detox and Cleanse Therapy

Detoxification is an essential but often misunderstood and misconstrued process. Despite popular belief associated with trendy “detox” drinks that promise quick results without lasting impact, the real power behind detox stems from making small lifestyle changes to help your body flush out unnecessary toxins for improved health and well-being over time.

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MDLifespan Female Hormone Therapy

Female Hormone Therapy

As you reach a certain age, the transition to menopause or the experience of going through menopause can be overwhelming.

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MDlifespan Female Hormone Testing

Female Hormone Testing

Throughout her life, a woman’s hormonal fluctuations are greatly influenced by outside forces such as stress and infections, and genetics inherited from her mother. These can disrupt the delicate balance of hormones in a woman’s body due to inadequate production or excess amounts.

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MDLifespan TPE Solutions Park

Male Hormone Therapy

Men need testosterone to remain strong, powerful and energized, and testosterone also helps to reduce your risk of developing chronic illnesses.

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MDLifespan TPE Solutions Surfing

Metabolic Therapy

Our metabolism is a complex and intricate system, and it helps us break down food, extract energy, and store and use it for everyday activities.

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MDLifespan Metabolic Changes Longevity

Metabolic Changes

When we discuss metabolism in relationship to aging, the Metabolic Theory of Aging is that the faster your metabolism, the shorter your lifespan.

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