3 Ways to Prevent a Devastating Cancer Diagnosis

June 26, 2023


by: Dr. Paul Savage

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Cancer is a terrifying and life-threatening disease. Over 600,000 people will die of this horrific disease in the United States this year. Cancer is caused by aging, toxins, radiation, inflammation, oxidation, viruses, or trauma that damages a healthy cell’s DNA. Once damaged, the DNA leads the cell to divide uncontrollably without dying, forming increasing mounds of cancer cells in vital organs, which squeezes out the essential tissues, and eventually, this is fatal.  

Although we will and should continue to search for a cure for every type of cancer, there are actions that significantly decrease your risk of contracting this often-fatal disease. 

In this article, we are going to review three ways to prevent a devastating cancer diagnosis: 

  1. Maintain a clean environment within your body 
  2. Early detection screenings 
  3. Therapeutic Plasma Exchange 


#1 – Maintain a Clean Environment Within Your Body

The cellular microenvironment refers to the immediate surroundings of a cell, including the space between cells (the extracellular matrix), neighboring cells, and the signaling molecules that float in the extracellular matrix and interact with cells. The microenvironment is critical in regulating cellular function, including cell growth.  
When the microenvironment becomes poisoned with toxic substances, inflammatory proteins, free radicals, and acids, the microenvironment injures the cell and the DNA of the cell directly. It contributes to the development of a variety of diseases, including cancer. 

One approach to reducing cancer risk is promoting a healthy microenvironment. This can involve several strategies, including: 

  1. Eating a healthy diet:

    A diet rich in organic vegetables and fruits, spices, whole (ancient) grains, and lean proteins helps provide the nutrients and antioxidants needed to support healthy cells and reduce the risk of cancer.

  1. Exercise regularly:

    Regular Exercise helps maintain a healthy weight which reduces the risk of cancer. Exercise promotes sweating, an excellent detoxification mechanism. Exercise promotes healthy circulation, which provides the microenvironment with oxygen, cancer-fighting immune cells, and the ability to carry away toxins and debris.

  2. Detoxification:

    Avoiding exposure to environmental toxins, chemicals, heavy metals, and radiation lowers your risk of cancer. In addition, healthy detoxification programs, such as Detox and Cleanse Therapy, provides the body with the nutrients and supplements needed to ensure proper detoxification of chemicals in the liver and expulsion of toxins in the kidneys and colon.

  3. Stress management:

    Chronic stress has been linked to increased cancer risk. One cannot control people, events, or the future. However, you can learn how to manage stress. Managing stress through daily gratitude lists, prayer, meditation, and deep breathing can help reduce your risk of cancer.

  4. Sleep protection:

    Often, our providers talk to our patients about protecting their sleep. From setting regularly scheduled bedtimes and wakeup times, keeping the room quiet, free of ambient light, clean, and temperature controlled are all part of a healthy sleep regimen. Sleep plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy immune system and plays a key role in preventing cancer.

  5. Avoiding tobacco and alcohol: 

    Tobacco use, without question or exception, increases your risk for cancer. Alcohol increases your risk for cancer as well. Recent studies show that there is no amount of alcohol that is good for you, and in preventing cancer, no alcohol is the best form of protection.


#2 – Early Detection Cancer Screenings

The second approach to reducing the risk of cancer is to maximize early detection programs. This can involve a number of strategies, including:


Keep up to date with your preventive screens.

  • For women, monthly breast exams and mammograms, pap smears for cervical cancer, and HPV.
  • For men,  PSA and prostate exams for prostate cancer.
  • For both men and women, colonoscopies for colon cancer, skin exams for melanoma, genetic screening, if applicable for familial cancers, and rapid CT lungs to screen for lung cancer.
Liquid Biopsies:

An innovative and exciting breakthrough in cancer detection is the Liquid Biopsy. This type of biopsy does not require tissue samples, instead utilizing a blood test to scan for cancer cells, markers, and DNA circulating in the blood. Currently, this testing has been proven effective at identifying early-stage cancers, offering an opportunity for more timely treatment plans and potentially better outcomes.  Our liquid biopsies are astoundingly successful, with us detecting cancer in its earliest stage over 85% of the time on a single screening. When patients undergo yearly checkups, this success rate approaches 100%. 

Despite our apparent precision and accuracy, often it can still be difficult for doctors to pinpoint precisely where cancer originated from with the blood biopsies; however, thanks to our team’s years of experience guiding individuals through this process – from determining origin points and who should attend their appointment – we can help give them peace of mind at every step.

One of the limitations of all liquid biopsies is determining the point of origin of the cancer. Under the microscope, cancer stem cells have few distinctive features which would identify the tissue in which cancer arose. Our providers act as detectives using PET Scans to help determine the point of origin of cancer.  If cancer does not show up on the PET scan, it means that the cancer is still too small for diagnostic testing. If the cancer does show up on a PET scan, our providers will work with you to find the right oncologist to take on the case.



Full Body Scans for Cancer: 

Full Body Scans detect cancer in asymptomatic patients only 2% of the time. For this reason, no medical society recommends Full Body Scans for patients as an early cancer detection tool, except in cases with a strong genetic predominance for cancer. However, if using scans that minimize radiation like MRIs, the only risk of consequence is the amount of money this procedure costs. Full body scans for cancer are performed with either no or exceptionally low radiation to detect cancer without any harmful side effects. Although some centers promote a full-body MRI scan, this method is inefficient because it requires a significant amount of time in the MRI scanner. Instead, MRI scans, ultrasound exams, and CT scans might be more suitable as they need less time (and less radiation exposure) to complete and provide equally accurate results.

#3 Therapeutic Plasma Exchange

The third approach to reducing cancer risk is to have a Therapeutic Plasma Exchange. This involves a strategy of prevention by detoxification.

A groundbreaking process you’ve probably never heard of is called Therapeutic Plasma Exchange (TPE), and it delivers real results, according to scientists and researchers at Cancer Management and Research. TPE is a procedure that removes harmful substances that cause cancer from the blood.

The process is simple: plasma is removed from the patient’s blood, exchanged for clean, healthy saline, and then returned to the body. Scientists propose that the plasma exchange procedure successfully cleans toxins, lowers inflammation, and neutralizes oxidation in the body.  


Studies have shown that TPE can improve survival rates, reduce symptoms, and even help cancer patients achieve remission. No one disputes that toxins mean cancer. TPE removes harmful toxins from the body that other cancer-preventative methods can’t touch. This means that TPE may be a powerful new tool in preventing cancer.  


Do You Want to Prevent Cancer?

What a silly question. Of course, you want to prevent cancer. The real question is, are you ready to be proactive about keeping your body cancer free? Prevention, detection, and intervention are the mainstays of a long and healthy life. 

Schedule a call to talk to a Client Service Advisor and review your best course of action to prevent cancer. MDLifespan is here to help answer any questions.  
