Cognitive Decline

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Cognitive Decline and Aging

As we age, our brains change, but this does not mean that Alzheimer’s disease, cognitive decline, and dementia have to be inevitable. As the brain ages, it loses its ability to perform certain tasks, resulting in reduced memory capacity, weaker motor skills, and slower cognitive processes. Conditions like stroke or dementia often accelerate age-related cognitive decline.

As we age, both gray and white matter diminishes in size; as a result of this process, changes occur within neurons that affect gene expression, energy metabolism, calcium levels, and protein production. Yet some people remain unaffected by the effects of aging on the brain- their brains retain an adequate volume with no loss in function or activity.

The factors contributing to successful aging with strong cognitive abilities vary. Genetic inheritance, environmental exposures, and strong personal relationships are significant components for preserving healthy cognitive functioning as we age.

The Root Cause of Cognitive Decline

Among the most dreaded aging-related ailments, cognitive decline, including Alzheimer’s disease, is a top fear for many people. Losing one’s memories and mind are among the cruelest conditions brought on by the passing of time. The facts show an alarming trend: death from neurological-related illnesses has escalated in affluent countries worldwide.

In the US, for example, the number of deaths from Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias has more than doubled since 2000.  In light of this reality, our physicians attempt to identify what is causing this cognitive decline and how to best treat or prevent it from occurring.

When cognitive decline strikes, the source of its origin may be concealed in our past. Cognitive decline can result from an array of potential issues, including:

  • Genetics
  • Environmental toxins
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Head Trauma
  • Emotional Trauma
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Radiation exposure
  • Infections
  • Dysbiosis

Any trauma your body has ever encountered can harm your brain functions. Therefore, it’s crucial to consider all these factors when attempting to restore or maintain optimal neurological functioning as you age. Only by taking an encompassing approach toward both your body and your brain will you be able to notice life-changing results.

With a better understanding of the root causes of cognitive decline, our providers can work to alleviate or prevent its effects. The current research points to many etiologies underlying cognitive decline; this includes diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, which are caused by changes in brain structure and function. Other factors—including lifestyle choices—can also contribute to the development of cognitive decline.

Treating Cognitive Decline

Longevity Medicine focuses on the multiple causes of neurologic decline and intervenes where possible. The aim is to slow down or prevent the underlying causes of aging-related neurodegeneration.

It is important to note that while some degree of age-related cognitive decline is likely inevitable in all of us, you can take steps to help slow it down or even prevent it from happening altogether. Eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, detoxification, engaging in social activities, and avoiding alcohol and drug use are all ways to improve your brain health.

Traditional research is directed towards the goal of finding a singular ‘one-pill’ solution for cognitive decline. However, to provide more effective results, our holistic approach combines nutrition with other natural therapies, including:

  • Healthy “brain-friendly” diet
  • Exercise
  • Stress management
  • Sleep optimization
  • Detoxification
  • Therapeutic Plasma exchange
  • Antivirals
  • Anti-inflammatories and antioxidants with nootropics
  • Cognitive activities
  • Social interactions

By addressing both the underlying conditions and the symptoms associated with cognitive decline through a personalized approach, longevity medicine has seen promising results in slowing cognitive decline.


Advanced Testing

The key to delaying neurologic and cognitive decline lies in minimizing the negative impact of the environment and maximizing the positive effects of therapeutics designed to improve the neuron microenvironment.

Our comprehensive method of testing for Neurologic Decline:


Our comprehensive Solutions for Neurogenic Decline include:

FAQ & Sources

We value fact over opinion. Please refer to our FAQs for the most commonly asked questions. In addition, we have listed the medical references for the facts stated on the website.

To review the articles and references cited on this topic of Cognitive Decline, click here


Is a neurologic decline in aging inevitable?

As we age, our brains change, but Alzheimer’s disease, cognitive decline, and dementia are not inevitable. More than 40% of dementia cases may be prevented or delayed. It helps to understand what’s normal and what’s not normal when it comes to brain health.

What contributes to the decline in neurological function as we age?

Damage to the brain due to stroke, head trauma, toxins, infections, excessive stress, inflammation, and oxidation all contribute to the decline in neurologic function as we age. Degenerative dementias are the most common cause of significant late-life cognitive decline, but a combination of factors is most likely.

Can exercising as we age prevent cognitive decline?

Exercise and physical activity are essential as you age, especially when addressing your brain. Exercise helps keep your body and brain healthy. Staying active can help you remain independent by preventing loss of physical mobility, and exercise slows age-related cognitive decline.

How can you prevent cognitive decline?

Minor changes may really add up. Changes such as visiting your MDLifespan provider, managing your high blood pressure, eating healthy foods, staying physically active, keeping your mind active, staying connected with friends and social activities, managing stress, toxins, infections, and maintaining good sleep all help to keep your brain healthy and active as you age.

What are the earliest symptoms of cognitive impairment?

Forgetting recent events, repeating questions, retelling the same stories, forgetting conversations, having trouble finding words, losing focus and attention span, and struggling with problem-solving are a few of the earliest signs of cognitive impairment.


  1. National Institute on Aging. “Strategic Directions for Research 2020-2025”.
  2. Mackenbach, Johan. “The rise of mortality from mental and neurological diseases in Europe, 1979-2009: Observational study.”
  3. Hall, CB. “Cognitive activities delay onset of memory decline in persons who develop dementia.”
  4. Wilson, Danielle. “Latest Advances on Interventions that May Prevent, Delay or Ameliorate Dementia.”
  5. Andel R., Crowe M. “Physical exercise at midlife and risk of dementia three decades later: A population-based study of Swedish twins.”
  6. Anstey K.J. “Alcohol consumption as a risk factor for dementia and cognitive decline: Meta-analysis of prospective studies.”
  7. Whitmer R.A. “Obesity in middle age and future risk of dementia: A 27-year longitudinal population-based study.” BMJ 330: 1360.
  8. Murman, Daniel. “The Impact of Age on Cognition.”