Condition: Genetics

MDLifespan TPE Solutions Beach

Stem Cell Therapy

Stem cells possess the extraordinary ability to self-renew and transform into diverse types of cells. However, multiple studies demonstrate that aging has a negative impact on stem cell health; as the cells age, their capacity for regeneration decreases while their potential to become different kinds of cells is impaired.

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MDLifespan Solutions Toxin Therapy

Toxin Therapy

Toxins are a pervasive danger in our environment, far beyond the traditional scope of heavy metals. Discovering plastics, petroleum products, herbicides, pesticides, and traces of medications and other contaminants in significant quantities inside your body is common.

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MDLifespan Telomeres Testing Longevity

Telomere Testing

Our DNA contains telomeres, which are located at the end of our chromosomes. Telomeric sequences serve an important purpose: shielding our genetic code from being erased or fused with other chromosomes during cell division. Moreover, these protective structures consist of TTAGGG base repeats that do not carry any meaningful information.

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Total Toxin Testing

Toxins are a significant threat to our health. Our environment contains toxins in food, air, and water. Our bodies are constantly exposed to these toxins, so we must know how much of each toxin we consume. As we age, our bodies cannot handle these toxins effectively, which can cause serious health problems.

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