My Menopause Journey: Longevity Client VS. The Traditional Patient Experience

October 9, 2023


by: Claudia Cesarotti


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Home / Blog / My Menopause Journey: Longevity Client VS. The Traditional Patient Experience

So, menopause is like the grand finale of a woman’s reproductive show—it’s when periods decide to retire, and hormones throw a bit of a party. Your ovaries take a back seat, pumping out less estrogen and progesterone, and that rollercoaster can bring along hot flashes, mood swings, and some bone density shenanigans. It’s basically a hormonal mic drop, signaling the end of the baby-making chapter.

Navigating menopause is like walking through a maze blindfolded. For years, I relied on Western medicine to guide me through this challenging phase of life. But it was not until I discovered longevity medicine that I truly felt heard and cared for.

My name is Claudia Cesarotti. I am currently 58 and started having menopause symptoms when I was 49. In this blog post, I will share my menopause journey and the stark differences I have experienced between traditional Western medicine and longevity medicine.

The Rushed Reality of Western Medicine

The Waiting Game

The experience often begins with a phone call to schedule an appointment, which can be a hassle. After completing that task, I started the real waiting game, waiting four weeks for my first appointment.

I found myself in sterile, impersonal waiting rooms more times than I can count. Generic artwork and medical posters usually adorn the walls, seemingly screaming “clinical detachment.”

The palpable irony is waiting for hours only to rush through the actual consultation. The environment felt cold and unwelcoming, adding to my already heightened stress levels.

The waiting room represents the Western medical experience: long waits and short interactions.

The 15-Minute Consultation

When they finally call my name, they usher me into an equally sterile examination room.

The nurse takes my vitals and asks a few preliminary questions before leaving me alone to wait yet again. By the time the doctor arrives, I have already spent more time with outdated magazines than with medical professionals.

The consultation itself is often a whirlwind. With only 15 minutes allocated per patient, there’s hardly enough time to discuss my symptoms, feelings, or concerns.

I have often felt like a case number rather than a human being. The doctors, while knowledgeable, seem to be racing against the clock, leaving me with more questions than answers.

Doctors often prioritize symptom treatment over identifying the root cause. This approach leaves me with the impression that I am being hurried through the medical system.

The Prescription Pad

Once the hurried consultation is over, the doctor usually reaches for the prescription pad.

The solution?

A prescription for hormone replacement therapy (HRT) was scribbled on a piece of paper and handed to me with a brief explanation and a follow-up appointment in six months.

While HRT did alleviate some symptoms, it felt like a Band-Aid solution to a complex issue. The side effects were another story — weight gain, mood swings, and other issues that felt like trading one set of problems for another.

Moreover, there’s often little discussion about alternative treatments or lifestyle changes that could help manage my symptoms.

It feels like the prescription pad is the only tool, and I have to handle the difficulties of my menopause journey by myself.

The Holistic Haven of Longevity Medicine

The Convenient Consultation

My first encounter with the MDLifespan team was a reassuring 30-minute sign-up call with a client service advisor.

This initial conversation set the tone for my entire menopause journey with longevity medicine. From the start, it was clear that this place valued and listened to patients.

After our talk, I received a detailed questionnaire to complete. It asks for information about my medical past, lifestyle, and any specific worries. The team also prescribed specific blood work to understand my current health status better.

I completed the questionnaire and had my blood work results in hand, so they scheduled me for my first virtual consultation.

This was not just a brief chat but a thorough 90-minute conversation with longevity expert Dr. Paul Savage. Despite the virtual nature of our meeting, Dr. Paul’s approach was personable and attentive.

He carefully reviewed my questionnaire answers and blood test results, including my hormone levels, leaving no stone unturned.

Our first consultation covered not just my menopause symptoms but also my diet, exercise routine, stress levels, and emotional well-being.

He explained the physiology of menopause, helping me understand what was happening in my body. In contrast to Western medicine, I experienced being seen as a complete person, not just a bunch of symptoms.

The doctor also asked about my goals and preferences, making me actively participate in my health care.


The Tailored Treatment Plan

After our in-depth discussion, my longevity doctor presented a tailored hormone therapy treatment plan to address my unique needs and preferences.

Instead of a one-size-fits-all prescription, he suggested a multi-faceted approach and treatment options to manage my menopause symptoms long term.

This included:

  • Dietary changes aimed at balancing hormones.
  • Herbal supplements to manage specific symptoms.
  • Mindfulness techniques to help with stress.
  • Acupuncture sessions to improve overall well-being.


He also provided resources for further reading, support groups, and a recipe book focusing on hormone-friendly foods. I felt empowered by having options and being involved in my healthcare decisions.

The flexible plan allowed for adjustments based on how my body responded to different treatments.

The Warm Welcome

After a thorough review of my health status and a deep understanding of my menopause symptoms, Dr. Paul Savage recommended estrogen therapy in the form of hormone pellets as a potential solution.

With anticipation and hope, I scheduled my hormone pellet procedure at the MDLifespan Chicago, IL office in Bucktown.

The MDLifespan Chicago office was as welcoming as my previous experiences with the MDLifespan team.

Upon arrival, I was greeted warmly and made to feel at ease. Dr. Paul Savage and his team explained the hormone pellet procedure to me. They made sure I understood each step and addressed my concerns.

The procedure itself was surprisingly quick and virtually painless. Dr. Paul’s expertise was evident, and his reassuring demeanor made the experience smooth and stress-free.

After the hormone pellets were inserted, the team provided clear aftercare instructions and scheduled a follow-up to monitor my response to the estrogen therapy.

The Verdict

While traditional Western medicine offered quick fixes, longevity medicine provided a more personalized, holistic approach to my menopausal journey.

I still value Western medicine’s advancements and emergency care, but when it comes to managing chronic issues like menopause, longevity medicine has won my heart.

It’s not an either-or situation; it is about finding the right balance and approach that works for you.


Menopause is a complex, multi-faceted experience that deserves more than a 15-minute consultation and a prescription pad.

If you are navigating your menopause journey, I highly recommend exploring longevity medicine.

It’s not just about treating symptoms; it is about nurturing your whole self, mind, body, and soul.

When you are ready to be treated like someone with individual needs, goals, and preferences, MDLifespan is a phone call away.
