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Genetics and Aging

The genetic theory of aging states that lifespan is primarily determined by the genes we inherit. According to the theory, our longevity is determined mainly at conception and largely depends on our parents and their genes.

Genetics, particularly genetic instability, is a significant contributor to aging. We inherit our parents’ genes, which endow us with traits that will shape our lives. Understanding your genes gives you the ability to take control of your future, and it allows you to make decisions that align with your goals and desires.

Genetic instability is when a gene or genes are not expressed as they should be. Genetic mutations can cause genetic instability. These genetic mutations are caused by viruses, toxins, radiation, oxidative stress, trauma, and most commonly from repeated cell division over time, aka LIFE! This leads to decreased stability over time and increases the risk of developing age-related diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, stroke, and heart disease.

The Root Cause of Genetic Instability

As time passes and we age, our bodies accumulate toxins, radiation, and viruses which destabilizes DNA. When this occurs, predetermined areas of the chain may be damaged, particularly those controlling programmed cell death or other vital pathways. Without these controls, cells can evade death and become immortalized, or they enter senescence, a perpetual resting state.

Aging cells also accumulate damage to their mitochondrial DNA, leading to decreased energy output and an inability to generate ATP properly. This decrease in energy output from the mitochondria can then place pressure on the cell’s ability to cultivate new cells, thus leading to the further deterioration of aging tissue.

The cell’s essence, DNA, has ‘tags’ at the end called telomeres. With each replication of the cellular material, one tag is lost – and when no tags are left? Well, that signals to the cell that it is out of time, as without them, these replications become impossible, and the cell dies.

When we view genetics from the view of Longevity, we are looking at essentially three things:

  • Genetic Risk: Are your genes putting you at risk for something like heart disease, stroke, cancer, or Alzheimer’s disease?
  • Telomere Length: Which one has the shortest telomere length of all your chromosomes?
  • Senescence: How many of your cells have been “put into sleep mode”?

Telomere length determination can tell you how old your DNA is. If any telomeres are shortened, our medical professionals will investigate the cause and provide proven therapies to lengthen or at least slow down this deterioration in your telomere length.

Senescent, or “zombie” cells are not as dormant as previously assumed – they remain alert and can influence neighboring healthy cells into becoming zombies too. When a substantial amount of these zombie cells accumulate, it increases your risk of developing cancer for that specific tissue. Researchers strive to create treatments to recognize and combat this issue by destroying senescent cells.

Treating Genetics

At this stage, genetic therapy is still limited in medicine. We can detect genes, extend telomeres, and suppress senescent cells. Testing for these fundamental components is essential to give an answer with minimal risk yet maximum benefit.

In the future, these treatments may become more elaborate and specialized to individual situations. The scientific community continually works towards this goal, with innovative clinical trials and research being conducted in many countries worldwide. We will bring you every new therapy backed by scientific evidence.

Genetic instability treatments are only beginning to develop, but they offer great hope and promise for those affected. By understanding the complexities of genetics, we can make real progress toward a healthier, longer life for everyone.

Advanced Testing

When looking for Genetics, look to the testing! Three essential genetic tests for aging use the following molecular biomarkers – DNA sequencing, telomere length, and senescence cell biomarkers of SA-β-galactosidase and p16. Testing for your genetic code gives us the list of diseases you carry as the seed of your destruction. Measuring the length of the telomeres gives us the biological age of your DNA and provides insights into what may need to be done to improve the telomere length. Measuring SA-β-galactosidase and p16 offers a biomarker for senescence cell elimination, focusing on the harmful effects of these sleeping zombie cells and their influence on neighboring cells.

Our comprehensive method of testing for Genetics:


The solution to genetics, including telomeres and senescence cells, lies in accurately measuring those microscopic cellular values. You must identify, neutralize and eliminate!

Our comprehensive Solutions for Genetics:

FAQ & Sources

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What is the genetic theory of aging?

The genetic theory of aging states that lifespan is primarily determined by the genes we inherit. According to the theory, our longevity is determined mainly at conception and largely depends on our parents and their genes. This theory states that segments of DNA that occur at the end of chromosomes, called telomeres, determine the maximum lifespan of a cell. Telomeres are at the end of chromosomes, and telomeres become shorter every time a cell divides. These telomeres become shorter and shorter; eventually, the cells cannot divide, and the cell dies.

What role does genetics play in aging?

Aging is a multifactorial process that is determined by genetic and environmental factors. The Human Genome Project demonstrated that 80% of the effect on your genes is the environment, the epigenetics. So, you may have the worst genes possible, but you can alter your fate by optimizing your environment and thereby optimizing your epigenome.

What is more important in aging well, good genes or a good lifestyle?

Genetic and environmental factors modulate healthy aging and longevity in humans, and about 20% of human longevity is due to genetic factors. Recently, epigenetic studies have shown that epigenetic modifications, modulated by both genetic background and lifestyle, are extremely sensitive to the aging process and can either be a biomarker of the quality of aging or influence the rate and the quality of aging. Current studies show that interventions changing the interaction between your genes and your environment are essential to determine your chance to attain longevity.

What is genetic instability?

Genetic instability is the increased tendency for DNA mutations and other genetic changes to occur during cell division. These defects may include mutations in particular genes involved in repairing damaged DNA or mistakes not corrected when DNA is copied in a cell. Studying genomic instability may help researchers understand how aging occurs.

What are telomeres, and why do they get shorter?

Telomeres are the ends of chromosomes, which function as a shield for the DNA’s genetic material. Each time a cell divides, there is a progressive shortening of the telomeres, which leads to a reduction in DNA protection until the cell dies from programmed cell death (apoptosis). So, when you run out of telomeres, you run out of time! For this reason, telomere length can be considered a biological clock, one of the best biomarkers of aging.


  1. Rodriquez-Rodero, Sandra. “Aging Genetics and Aging.”
  2. Vijg, Jan. “Genome instability and aging.”
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  4. Niedernhofer, Laura. “Nuclear Genomic Instability and Aging.”
  5. Hommerding, Cynthia. “The Role of Stem Cell Genomic Instability in Aging.”
  6. Burhans, William. “DNA replication stress, genomic instability, and aging.”
  7. Frontiers in Aging. “Genomic Instability as a Hallmark of Aging.”
  8. Passarino, Giuseppe. “Human Longevity: Genetics or Lifestyle.”
  9. Stibich, Mark. “What Is the Genetic Theory of Aging?”
  10. Jaba T. “Dasatinib and Quercetin: Short-Term Simultaneous Administration Improves Physical Capacity in Human.”
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  12. Hickson LJ.  “Senolytics decrease senescent cells in humans: Preliminary report from a clinical trial of Dasatinib plus Quercetin in individuals with diabetic kidney disease.”
  13. Bhat R. “Astrocyte senescence as a component of Alzheimer’s disease.”
  14. Flanary BE. “Evidence that aging and amyloid promote microglial cell senescence.”