Condition: Chronic Inflammation

MDLifespan TPE Solutions Park

Male Hormone Therapy

Men need testosterone to remain strong, powerful and energized, and testosterone also helps to reduce your risk of developing chronic illnesses.

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MDLifespan Immune Testing

Immune Testing

Immune testing provides us with an inside look into our health, alerting us to potential risks or warning signs that we may not have been aware of. It is a simple yet powerful way to stay on top of our health and detect any issues before they become more serious.

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MDlifespan Male Hormone Testing

Male Hormone Testing

Hormone testing in men is essential in evaluating a man’s general health. Whether you’re a man of a certain age or have experienced symptoms, such as fatigue, depression, weight gain, erectile dysfunction, or lack of sex drive, hormone testing can help identify the root cause of your problem.

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MDLifespan Solutions Toxin Therapy

Toxin Therapy

Toxins are a pervasive danger in our environment, far beyond the traditional scope of heavy metals. Discovering plastics, petroleum products, herbicides, pesticides, and traces of medications and other contaminants in significant quantities inside your body is common.

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MDLifespan Microbiome Testing Longevity

Microbiome Testing

Our overall health and well-being are inextricably linked to the condition of our gut microbiome. Studies have revealed a direct connection between an unbalanced gut microbiome with various illnesses within and beyond the gastrointestinal tract.

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MDLifespan TPE Solutions Yoga

Weight Loss Therapy

As we age, it can become increasingly challenging to stay in shape. Our bodies start to shift, and we may find ourselves struggling more than ever before. Extra weight brings down your self-esteem and saps the energy out of you, not to mention that it has a detrimental effect on your sex life – even worse than smoking!

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MDLifespan Nutritional Testing

Nutritional Testing

Nutritional testing can help you identify which nutrients your body is lacking. Our digestive system becomes weaker as we age due to decreased stomach acid production, and pancreatic enzymes, beneficial bacteria, and hazardous microorganisms begin replacing those helpful for meeting nutrient needs.

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Total Toxin Testing

Toxins are a significant threat to our health. Our environment contains toxins in food, air, and water. Our bodies are constantly exposed to these toxins, so we must know how much of each toxin we consume. As we age, our bodies cannot handle these toxins effectively, which can cause serious health problems.

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